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Our reviews

(199 Reviews)
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Do you like Take Sushi Japanese Restaurant? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

June 23, 2017
Food is always fresh and tasty

June 11, 2017
Consistenly the best sushi in North Burnaby. High quality, yummy food. Welcoming atmosphere. Online ordering is a breeze. Try the BBQ salmon belly!

June 09, 2017
It's was perfect!

May 19, 2017
The best hidden Gem sushi place in the lower mainland!

April 30, 2017
Sushi was fresh and delicious! A regular spot for me

November 04, 2016
Everything was tasty! And the food was prepared promptly!

November 03, 2016
Sushi was great.

October 11, 2016
Always guarantee the best quality for chicken bento box.


September 25, 2016
On time and tasty