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Our reviews

(199 Reviews)
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April 22, 2023
fresh sushi, sashimi, friendly staff, great neighbourhood restaurant. I've been coming here for 10+ years.

Always ask for the special, sometimes they bring in unusual cuts of fish.

March 24, 2023
Good food in reasonable price. The chirashi bowl is definitely value for money, with fresh and big pieces of sashimi instead of those chopped in small pieces. Tempura is good too.

March 17, 2023
Great people, great service, and even better food…. Every….. single…… time!!

March 10, 2023
Excellent sushi at great prices.

February 28, 2023
Fresh sushi super friendly staff !

February 10, 2023
thanx always!!!

January 25, 2023
Great sushi, very fast.

January 17, 2023
Always good!

January 15, 2023
The owner called back to address some quality issues that I raised up before. He obviously takes his business seriously and cares for his customers satisfaction. We appreciate Take's diligence and follow-up. On this basis 5 stars!

January 03, 2023
Very good as always